Even if it just started as all but a joke, it managed to make it to mainstream, and be on-par with other real cryptocurrencies. Dogecoin, having begun its operations way back 2013, never really was viewed as a serious currency. Nowadays, it has managed to become an internet sensation, as it managed to ride on with the popularity of its origin, the ShibaInu dog meme. It’s become so popular, that a lot of people have already begun to sell dogecoin, as well as convert either fiat currency or other forms of cryptocurrency through it. Is it really worth the investment? Let’s find out below.
Is it worth the Investment?
The hype of the meme has indeed, made the venture, indeed, very popular. It’s one of the top currencies among cryptocurrencies, even breaking the $2 billion barrier as of January 2018. It’s a versatile platform as it has also traded on a lot of online exchanges, such as LTC and BTC. It’s a great place to start as you have a vibrant and helpful community, which is a feature that is heavily emphasized among Dogecoin traders. This platform allows you to easily gain access to an even broader platform, be able to enhance your knowledge about the things you need to know.
Is the future bright?
So far, being able to reach the $2 Billion market cap is already a sign that this currency is increasingly becoming popular. While it may have been invisible for quite a while, the prices have managed to surge, with some even reaching 400 percent, which is one of the platform’s greatest achievements. According to analysts, it’s going nowhere but up. This is one of the best altcoin platforms that you could possible get, and is therefore, one which you could invest your assets in.