While exploring marketing channels, a lot of sites will ask you to sign up with your email address. If you are not that comfortable with providing your email address, you can pick a temporary email service that provides you with a unique email address and password to submit on that site and continue.
Coming off to the topic, here are the different types of marketing channels that help you get the best results!! Let’s talk about the most effective, which are eCom marketing channels in a concise manner:
- Blogs: the articles and results you see when you search for anything on a search engine are the blogs. These blogs, if accessible, can help advertise you.
- Ads: these are the most seen whenever you a person do any online activity. Let it be listening to music, watching videos, gaming or socializing! This is also advertising you.
- “Pay per click” deals: these are a sort of link which makes you earn some money market-wise you when clicked by any end-user.
- Social media: this is the widely used type of marketing channel! You can use your social media apps and sites to marketize yourself.
- SEO: it is short for search engine optimization. It helps you get on a good ranking and position on the search entire results. Once you reach on top, you are highly visited, which is equal to fame.
- Emails: the email address that a person uses to sign up on any site or app is your key to advertise yourself personally to that entity.
Long story short, there are some basic types of marketing. For example, there is marketing that you and your relatives do face to face, and then you can marketize with the help of e-tools.