Silicone Or Saline Implants? Which Is Which?

Without a doubt, one of the most effective best breast enhancement procedures that one could possibly undergo is the having breast implants. This is because doing so allows you to increase your breast size in the shortest possible time, where the size of the breasts immediately increase upon the insertion of the implant. No need to wait for 30 days or more, which is what usually happens among people who choose to increase their breast sizes the non-surgical way. In having implants, patients are usually given 2 options as to what type of implant they would want, and the two most popular are Silicone and Saline Implants. Which one of these is the better option? Let’s find out below.


Those who make use of implants want their breasts to look and feel as natural as possible. With silicone implants, this is something that you are given a guarantee. This is because the consistency of the gel is formulated, not only for it to be safe for use inside the body, but also for it to have the same or at least, a similar consistency to that of fat or tissue in the breast. The greatest advantage with its use is that there is just a small chance of rippling, making the breasts look even more natural. One disadvantage of it, however, is that rupturing is not going to be that easy to detect.


A relatively new alternative to implants, saline, implants are simply medical-grade soft water implants. Given that it’s just going to be a saline solution, it is a cheaper alternative to that of Silicone implants, and the size of the breasts can be adjusted in the middle of the surgery. Also, unlike silicone implants, the incision made isn’t going to be as large, and hence scarring will not be much of an issue. Despite these advantages, however, wrinkling and ripples are more visible.